Things change, people change and places change all the time.

One thing always remain though and that is your being, your personality. I found out the other day that I'm a pain to live with when I'm on  holiday. Now I don't know what the explanation for this might be but I have a few ideas.
         One being that my mind is hopelessly seeking to find something to amuse me. Two, I'm just tired physically and spiritually. Three I just suck at being pleasant around people. I guess it's almost the same as when you're alone you feel bored but when you're with people you feel like you don't belong and lonely.

Personally I've experienced all this and if you've experienced it a as well I don't think I need to tell you how much of a terrible feeling it is. Sometimes you just feel like people don't even care or they've lost interest in you and you feel unimportant. Of course this is sometimes true but not all the time. And that's what most people, including me, can't see...the not all the time part.
                                                         Because we are so used to being rejected, per say, we don't see the good parts of life that are worth enjoying. We wait eagerly for that good thing to come back and bite us again because that is what we are used to. It's a dangerous way to live, I know. This is how family interest is lost and this is definitely how friendship is lost.
               What I'm trying to say is: sometimes we have to just stop for a minute and not think about ourselves. You might even find that people around you are more uncomfortable with you then you are with them, that could be a good thing. I know others might disagree but look at it this way, You can make it your mission to make people comfortable around you. You can be yourself and not be judged for showing off your awesomeness, let's face it you probably are the most awesome of them all.

I say it's time we got out of our little nicely built shells and face the world. If you can't relate to people then find someone else who you can relate to, you'll enjoy yourself far more with that person and maybe with time you'll be able to deal with those people You think are far more cooler than you to relate to.

This is not a life advice. I'm not saying live for people, there's far more to life than just people around you. it's just an observation of myself and these are just my thoughts. Take it or leave it.
I heard this today..

‎"Lol, I think girls' hair styles are becoming more horrifying everyday man... I think the point is not to actually look good and attractive anymore but to terrify us dudes so we can stay far away 'cause today right... 
                       I saw this girl that had like a weave or something, but it had orange on one side and some red on the other and I think there was some yellow in there too. 

Okay I wont lie, she was beautiful but the hairstyle was horrifying and I know my mom was gonna come up here like 'what the heck are you doing with her? is the circus in town or something,' lol."

 Is it time to change my friends? 'cause I found that funny and offensive at the same time....but mostly funny.

So this is how I know that our friendship is real.

When I can fart in front of you and not be embarrassed instead just laugh it off. When we can have complete silence for hours and not feel awkward. If you let me eat your food we're best friends already...k not quite but you're very close. If doing work in each other's presence is easy then we're not quite there yet, it should be distracting...just saying.

Invite to parties, make silly noises, do the most stupid things together and most importantly putting the Lord before each other first.

So, who are your true friends?..

So my friend showed me this and I thought it was funny..
Even with bad colour quality...


If this is you then all I can say is... Shame.

Ahha! We all know who this is don't we.. See I always see this "troll face" and I'm sure all of you have as well.

Well I was wondering who was behind all this because it's famous but the painter isn't, why is this so? So I started off the investigation of finding the face behind trollface and after all my hard work and researching for 5 whole minutes!! I must say I'm disappointed to tell you that I could not find the face behind trollface but I did find where it originated from. He originated in deviantArt and spread into 4chan and then ran like the wild horses from there.
Well now at least you all know a little bit about him, if you want to know more about this guy then just follow the link...Boom!Know trollface
See I don't know if you guys sometimes think about random things but I had a thought today and it's pretty crazy too.

I was thinking what if smart was the opposite of what people think smart is? What if smart was actually being retarded? The world would be full of retarded people now wouldn't it, I mean think about it. No more school or college....maybe I'm being lazy... nahhh..

You know that awkward moment when you rush out the house without fixing yourself so you don't really know how you look. And find a parked car and fix yourself using the car's mirrors and realize after a while that someone is inside and staring?................yeah me neither.
Hey your Granny people, guess what!!

Yep! I am inviting all of you to sign up to your granny and post anything you want, no unhelpful posts. You, you and yes even you Carmen are invited to post.

Another announcement: Your granny is not about posting stuff about your granny guys, unless it's funny and hip happening then yeah sure bring your grown old granny in here. For those who have signed up already tell your friends about Your Granny so they could come sign up as well and enjoy the fun. I am also considering giving prizes to the most voted for and most commented on posts that will be posted by you. So come on share your embarrassment, your most epic fail, or just a funny picture really it's up to you!!

So come on guys and PArrrrrrtE with Your Granny!
First day of varsity..done!
You know, UKZN Howard is so much complicated than Westiville I mean, you never ever know what is what and where is what..which is why I might have got lost a few times...

Meanwhile this is what Mikey has been doing.."Wisey! i'm sitting in L24 and you're not here... it's really empty! And it just looks weird if a white boy sings and dances around the room by himself, ha ha. Enjoy your first day of civil engineering bru! Feel it! It's here! Ha!"..on Facebook. What a man! Anyway on my Journey Of the Self help Grand Tour (JOSGT), I came across an interesting Warning...none like any other...need I mention, it was in the electrical engineering building..and here it is:
What it basically says is "Warning! Do not walk into this Pillar. Thank you for your cooperation."

This must be embarrassing for the elec. eng. guys that study there.. while I was taking pictures happily this is what Mikey got up to. Mikey: "Ha! Part 2 of Day One news! Well... i literally smiled stupidly/ overly friendly at two different people that i didn't know for a bar of soap. (i should get glasses) and secondly, a security gaurd came up to me and asked me a few times if it was "Good news?" because i was smiling at how stupid i was being grinning and saying HI in the weird way that we do. Sies. That's all for now." on Facebook. so special he is.

Yeaf!! what a day!
Well a lot has happened since I have stopped posting on this blog but! rest assured that I will do my best to keep this blog up to date. Running a blog is not easy...especially if you're a varsity student.

In the past few weeks I have been very busy sorting out my life and meeting strange don't believe me?...
Well there. This is a friend of mine from
ROC (Redemption On Campus). She's hilarious.

She looks shocked..or surprised? well that was after I had told her that I'm gonna be joining ROC this year, what a reaction, a good thing I kept my camera close to capture the moment.

Anyway, important things first...Jokes!
Matthew Palath: "that awkward moment when Adele finds somone like you." I mean How can you not laugh at that.
Peter: "You can't just leave youth for a piece of guy" at Kath's farewell...yeah, what ever that means..I still love you Pete!

I think those are my top 2 for this week and maybe there will be more in the near future...;)

BOOM shakalaka!!

 Enjoy reading, commenting and suggest things, I might read it I might not but hey, do it                                                       anyway!!!