"if life gives you lemons.." A phrase/statement often followed by a typical lame joke that suggests you make lemonade with the lemons handed to you by life.
I hate it when people explain jokes after they have told them so i'm gonna do just that here. My opinion; so life is a metaphor for life and lemon is a metaphor for an unpleasant situation. What I think this is, oh so profoundly, saying is that you must make good out of a bad/unfavorable/unpleasant situation. That kinda sounds nice, doesn't it?
Let me get serious here for a bit, hear me out. I'm not saying the statement portrayed here is wrong but i don't think i agree with it. What this is saying, again in my opinion, is that we should not dwell over lost opportunities/misfortunes/whatever but we should miraculously achieve an objective... My incomplete and probably premature argument here is that if "human" doesn't do that, then how is "human" ever gonna get over that situation and move on. Isn't there time for everything?..that's a rhetorical question in case you didn't get it... that used to get me all the time.
Anyway, the joke was re modified over the years. The joke now goes a little like this: if life gives you lemon you must make tequila or something and life would be like: what? And for that i have no argument. I just wanted to share that with the world. I guess the lesson that can be learned here is that not everyone is smart. I fall in the dumb category just in case you were wondering how I would rate myself.
(I hope this confused you the same way it confused me. thanks for letting me waste your time.)
12:04 |
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Over the weekend I got to think about a lot of things and 'being ashamed' kept on jumping on me like a wild rabid cat, it there is one.
I wrote the same question on facebook and I got a lot of questions about what I meant about not understanding the meaning of the word "ashamed."
What I'm saying is I know the definition and the dictionary meaning of the word but it's not enough for me, here I'm redefining it. I'm talking about what it means to me.
This is not a preach it's just what has been in my mind for quite some time and I think it's time that I conclude it if I'm ever gonna do my Varsity work.
Psalm 31:1-3 " In thee oh Lord do I put my trust, let me never be ashamed, deliver me in thy righteousness..."
The thing is I've been ashamed of quite a few things in my life, going around thinking that I'm not worthy in the eyes of God when I should have been trusting Him. I've been a coward and timid and too proud to admit it. Because of this I've made a lot of mistakes, big mistakes, which all could have been avoided if I just had faith that maybe, just maybe, God really is Love like we say He is. Jesus is proof of that love. Going around carrying guilt and feeling ashamed is of no help to me or anyone. No one one should ever feel like they're worth nothing because to God we are worth so much more because of Jesus. But I guess the real question is; how am I supposed to let God use me to spread His love throughout the world if I first deny it to myself?
What a weekend.
12:53 |
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So today I took some time out from my busy schedual to write about the things that go on at church that I think are somewhat funny.
When you're at church you need to be nice to everyone there, this is not an option I mean, can you imagine going to someone at church to start a conversation and all they offer you is Shut up" and "get out my face"? It would be contradicting the very same thing the church is against.
Being nice all the time can be tiring though and that creates a problem. For example church is full of huggers, hand shakers, people who touch a lot and, my worst, close talkers and so on. Now if you're tired of being nice and you hug a lot, people will notice.. oh we don't want that. I have noticed that people hug people they don't like a bit differently from those they like. They tend to poke you with their shoulder right on your chest and it hurts if they are really skinny.. some just side hug you all the time. Of course I rather not point it out except on your-granny.blogspot.com .
And then there are testimony junkies. Now this type of people make me laugh. Every time when Mr Preacher asks if there are any testimonies they are always the first ones to jump up to grab the mic. When they get to the front, they'd be telling stories like: "I lost my cat the other day and so I prayed to the good ol' Lord and two days later I FOUND MY CAT! PRAISE!!!" and stories like : " I was on a rush to the hospital the other time and I was just praying that I don't be late for my apointment and I remember that earlier I couldn't find my car keys, but when it was time to go I just FOUND THEM!!! WOO PRAISE!!!"
To be honest, those are not the type of stories I wanna hear during testimony time 'cause that's just 20 minutes of the whole service wasted okay. To everyone who does that, STOP. The church has much more important things to talk about than your cat or car keys.
Lastly there are people like Me. People who just look like they've seen candy and they think it was the greatest invention by man! I call them the Clappies. Now these people always seem to have something to smile about all the time. This is problematic 'cause people can't tell you their real problems 'cause they feel like they have to be happy around you, so most people put on a fake smile otherwise known as the Dog smile when talking to people like these. Another problem is that people think that we are hypocritical beings... which we are. I've got problems too but you don't know that because i just CAN'T STOP SMILLING THE WHOLE TIME!! :D .
Let me know what goes on in your church!
07:05 |
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I started something new where people sms me funny stuff and I pick 5 that make me laugh the most, so here they are:
5) "Good moms let you lick the beaters... Great moms turn them off first"
4) "Why did the chicken cross the road?...to get to the gay man's house. Knock knock...(who's there), it's the chicken"
3) "I used to be jealous of skinny girls until I realized they've probably never tasted bacon"
2) "You offer someone a sincere complement on their mustache and suddenly she's not your friend anymore."
1) "I was wondering why the baseball was getting bigger, and then it hit me."
Hope you enjoyed.
12:24 |
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Sitting and observing is my thing, it's what made me think of making this blog in the first place. I want people to see how much of a chop they really are when they think they're being cool... I know I am.
You all know how college students like to walk around campus pretending like they know what they are doing, meanwhile me and you know that Google knows everything. Maybe they do, you never know I mean who am I to judge.
Now I was wondering if they are like that when they get home 'cause I must say it must be difficult to live with someone like that. Like, do you have to speak English like Shakespeare did and stuff? I don't know about you but I ain't no Shakespeare so somebody better speak proper english.. and when I say proper I mean my kind a english, all broken and stuff.
But those are the varsity nerds so that's enough said.
Then we have the swag people with their "untouchables." I swear one day one of them people are gonna say YOLO and then really die on the spot. What is it with YOLO anyways!! Go get proper education and stop saying YOLO. Anyways, the swag varsity people. I have never seen a person that changes clothes so fast and so much like a college student. My goodness those people change clothes more than the traffic light changing colours. Even a traffic light doesn't have as much swag as a student 'cause it only has 3 colours..that's being a newb in a fashion world I tell ya... can I even say newb when I'm not talking about games?.. I don't know, who cares.
So guys!!! RELAX, be your self and don't try to be something that you're not. My room smells like something died in it, any ideas how I can find it?... It's really disgusting. but anyway, be your self!
11:47 |
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Things change, people change and places change all the time.
One thing always remain though and that is your being, your personality. I found out the other day that I'm a pain to live with when I'm on holiday. Now I don't know what the explanation for this might be but I have a few ideas.
One being that my mind is hopelessly seeking to find something to amuse me. Two, I'm just tired physically and spiritually. Three I just suck at being pleasant around people. I guess it's almost the same as when you're alone you feel bored but when you're with people you feel like you don't belong and lonely.
Personally I've experienced all this and if you've experienced it a as well I don't think I need to tell you how much of a terrible feeling it is. Sometimes you just feel like people don't even care or they've lost interest in you and you feel unimportant. Of course this is sometimes true but not all the time. And that's what most people, including me, can't see...the not all the time part.
Because we are so used to being rejected, per say, we don't see the good parts of life that are worth enjoying. We wait eagerly for that good thing to come back and bite us again because that is what we are used to. It's a dangerous way to live, I know. This is how family interest is lost and this is definitely how friendship is lost.
What I'm trying to say is: sometimes we have to just stop for a minute and not think about ourselves. You might even find that people around you are more uncomfortable with you then you are with them, that could be a good thing. I know others might disagree but look at it this way, You can make it your mission to make people comfortable around you. You can be yourself and not be judged for showing off your awesomeness, let's face it you probably are the most awesome of them all.
I say it's time we got out of our little nicely built shells and face the world. If you can't relate to people then find someone else who you can relate to, you'll enjoy yourself far more with that person and maybe with time you'll be able to deal with those people You think are far more cooler than you to relate to.
This is not a life advice. I'm not saying live for people, there's far more to life than just people around you. it's just an observation of myself and these are just my thoughts. Take it or leave it.
01:20 |
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I heard this today..
"Lol, I think girls' hair styles are becoming more horrifying everyday man... I think the point is not to actually look good and attractive anymore but to terrify us dudes so we can stay far away 'cause today right...
I saw this girl that had like a weave or something, but it had orange on one side and some red on the other and I think there was some yellow in there too.
Okay I wont lie, she was beautiful but the hairstyle was horrifying and I know my mom was gonna come up here like 'what the heck are you doing with her? is the circus in town or something,' lol."
Is it time to change my friends? 'cause I found that funny and offensive at the same time....but mostly funny.
10:07 |
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