I started something new where people sms me funny stuff and I pick 5 that make me laugh the most, so here they are:
5) "Good moms let you lick the beaters... Great moms turn them off first"
4) "Why did the chicken cross the road?...to get to the gay man's house. Knock knock...(who's there), it's the chicken"
3) "I used to be jealous of skinny girls until I realized they've probably never tasted bacon"
2) "You offer someone a sincere complement on their mustache and suddenly she's not your friend anymore."
1) "I was wondering why the baseball was getting bigger, and then it hit me."
Hope you enjoyed.
12:24 |
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Sitting and observing is my thing, it's what made me think of making this blog in the first place. I want people to see how much of a chop they really are when they think they're being cool... I know I am.
You all know how college students like to walk around campus pretending like they know what they are doing, meanwhile me and you know that Google knows everything. Maybe they do, you never know I mean who am I to judge.
Now I was wondering if they are like that when they get home 'cause I must say it must be difficult to live with someone like that. Like, do you have to speak English like Shakespeare did and stuff? I don't know about you but I ain't no Shakespeare so somebody better speak proper english.. and when I say proper I mean my kind a english, all broken and stuff.
But those are the varsity nerds so that's enough said.
Then we have the swag people with their "untouchables." I swear one day one of them people are gonna say YOLO and then really die on the spot. What is it with YOLO anyways!! Go get proper education and stop saying YOLO. Anyways, the swag varsity people. I have never seen a person that changes clothes so fast and so much like a college student. My goodness those people change clothes more than the traffic light changing colours. Even a traffic light doesn't have as much swag as a student 'cause it only has 3 colours..that's being a newb in a fashion world I tell ya... can I even say newb when I'm not talking about games?.. I don't know, who cares.
So guys!!! RELAX, be your self and don't try to be something that you're not. My room smells like something died in it, any ideas how I can find it?... It's really disgusting. but anyway, be your self!
11:47 |
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