Okay, first off I would like to say that this is not a racist blog. It is merely a black man's (me! :) and a white man's (Him) view on all type of things.

So today we went to a garden...to chill. I honestly don't see why white people need to go to a place like "Botanic gardens" just to be more chilled, hey Mikey? you know like spiritus mundi! but Godly. I mean, I can honestly just chill right here in my bed. It costs less and I don't need to keep walking to look for a toilet which at the end I did not find. I think I asked you earlier about this and I didn't get an answer....oh wait, I did..I suppose it wasn't clear. So please tell the dear reader what you told me..( it was lame I promise you)...and I think your reasoning, directly quoting, was " Because that is what white people do." Not much of an explanation is it..

So defend yourself, what say you Mikey? Does your reason still stand?